Simple Tips for Finding More Mindful Moments

Simple Tips for Finding More Mindful Moments

In the midst of our busy lives, it’s often the smallest interactions that can ground us in the present and remind us of the beauty around us. I walked into a gas station recently, lost in my thoughts. Likely, I was mentally preparing for an upcoming meeting, running...

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These 5 Questions Can Ensure Clarity and Success in 2024

These 5 Questions Can Ensure Clarity and Success in 2024

Have you set your 2024 goals? If so, you are ahead of many. In fact, you are in the top 14% of business professionals! Are they written down? Even better! Do you have specific strategies and milestones for achieving them? You are on your way to success! But if you are...

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There is Still Time! 5 Tips to Prepare for a Successful Year End

There is Still Time! 5 Tips to Prepare for a Successful Year End

There is no question this is a busy time of year.  But as we near the end of 2023, there are still a few things you can do to close out the year and prepare for a successful 2024. 1. Spend time on office "maintenance. Schedule a few days to catch up on filing, update...

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The Truth About Time Blocking

The Truth About Time Blocking

“I’ve tried time blocking in the past and it’s never worked for me.” This was a recent statement from a client who I was helping with time management. Once we dug in more, we found it wasn’t that time blocking was an ineffective method, but that it wasn't being...

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Do This Before Annual Goalsetting (Your Year in Review)

Do This Before Annual Goalsetting (Your Year in Review)

How has 2022 been for you? What went well? What could be improved? Did you reach your business and life goals? What will you do differently next year to grow further? Before you do 2023 annual planning, it is a valuable exercise to close out the year and prepare for...

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Goal Setting is Hard

Goal Setting is Hard

I have a confession to make. Months went by this year before I finally took focused time to set my annual goals. While I help others to do this daily and understand the importance and benefit of annual goal setting, I was not able to complete the task for myself.  I...

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Focus on What You Can Control

Focus on What You Can Control

My daughter was recently feeling some anxiety at school and texted to let me know. One of the responses I texted back was to “focus on what you can control.” It had an impact, and she decided to post it on social media. The next day she told me it was her most shared...

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