Mastering Time Management: What To Do Before the To Do List

Mastering Time Management: What To Do Before the To Do List

You are constantly presented with new information, communications, to-dos, and ideas. At any point in time, you have hundreds of options for how you choose to spend that moment. While it may feel good to check things off a to-do list, if you aren’t intentional about...

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The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men…

The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men…

I had a blog ready to post this month but changed my mind at the last minute. The original blog I wrote focused on the importance of tying a clear vision, goals, and priorities to your daily to-do list. While I still think this is vital to making sure you are working...

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3 Ways to Tackle Zoom Fatigue

3 Ways to Tackle Zoom Fatigue

The availability and ease of Zoom and other virtual technology has been one of the bright sides of this past year. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to see our colleagues and friends while working safely at home, continuing education opportunities would be minimal,...

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Do You Have a Lot of Big Goals? Focus on What You Know and Love

Do You Have a Lot of Big Goals? Focus on What You Know and Love

If you are like most creative, driven entrepreneurs and professionals, you have a lot of big goals, fun projects, and life-changing ideas on your plate – not to mention the other day-to-day tasks and activities that take up your time. Without a good process for...

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It’s Never Too Late to Change a Bad Habit

It’s Never Too Late to Change a Bad Habit

I have something to confess - I have been a pretty bad cook most of my life. I don’t enjoy it and although I knew my family could be eating healthier, better-cooked meals, I’ve never really had an interest in learning - until recently. For a few reasons I’ll get into...

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Do Standing Desks Really Increase Productivity?

Do Standing Desks Really Increase Productivity?

Maybe you've wondered if the fancy stand-up desk your company purchased for your colleague is a waste of money and just the latest "shiny object."  Or perhaps you've considered one for your home office but aren't really sure if the claims of increased health and...

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Maintain Productivity Through Stress with Two Quick Tips

Maintain Productivity Through Stress with Two Quick Tips

“I have so much to do and I just can’t make myself do anything.” This is what I heard from my teenage daughter last week when I walked into her bedroom. Emma is a junior in high school and was trying to juggle three college placement tests, preparation for two choir...

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You Don’t Have to Make Your Bed…Unless You Want To

You Don’t Have to Make Your Bed…Unless You Want To

One of the most controversial topics I’ve posted on social media has been whether or not it is important to make your bed every morning. I admit to not being a daily bed-maker (sorry Mom) and was excited to share this article by Tim Denning backing up my decision,...

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19 Ways To Be Productive During COVID-19

19 Ways To Be Productive During COVID-19

The past several weeks with the coronavirus pandemic have been unprecedented. We are in an environment of fear, stress, uneasiness, and unknowns. While it will take time for us to work through these emotions, it is important that we also try to continue as normal in...

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Learning from the Iowa Caucus Chaos

Learning from the Iowa Caucus Chaos

Unless you completely avoid politics and social media, you have no doubt heard about the “caucus chaos” that recently occurred right outside my door in Iowa. Much of the media has blamed the chaos on a new smartphone app the Iowa Democratic Party implemented to help...

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